
Cards (4)

  • Korea - written by McGahern
  • Korea -
    Quotes -
    • ’Before if I asked him about the war, he’s draw fingers across his eyes as if to tear a spider web away’
    • ‘You wouldn‘t think of throwing this country up altogether and go to America’
    • ‘I knew my youth had ended’
    • ’It‘ll be my own funeral’
    • ‘Prepare myself to murder‘
  • Korea -
    Summary -
    • Beginning: fathers flashback of execution in 1919
    • Money is tight so father suggests son emigrates to American
    • Son wants to wait for exams but father doesn’t see the use of ‘highfalutin‘ language
    • Last summer working on the river
    • Whilst preparing for another night on the river, overhears conversation between father and neighbour, realises father wants to ship him to America for money
  • Korea -
    Context -
    • Absence of mother figure
    • Korea in comparison to US: Korea = fool of a country, US = big, expanding country
    • Father suffers from PTSD?
    • Son has a pure view of life that becomes tainted with age