introduction to c#

Cards (20)

  • FALSE -in c# the definition of general purpose means a programming language that supports object-oriented promgram.
  • in rules and naming conventions for declaring variables in c# this is an exemption- space
  • Console.WriteLine("Net income: "+ net._); - ToString()
  • .cs is the extension of the name of a C# class program
  • The easiest way to get started with C# is to use an IDE.
  • what is IDE- integrated development environment
  • Applications written in C# use the .NET Framework
  • ReadLine- reads the next line of the input
  • ReadKey - obtains the next key press
  • int - stores whole numbers either negative or positive
  • double- stores floating numbers with decimals
  • char- stores single character and surrounded with singe qoute ' '
  • string - stores text like " hello wrold" surrounded by double qoutes
  • bool - stores values thats sttes true or false
  • keyboard shortcut to run the program is f5
  • single line comments are indicated by the symbol - //
  • will be ignored ny thecompiler- comments
  • Console is a class of the system namespace
  • program structure is a collection of class NameSpace
  • classes in the program - Program and Console