Higher interest rates do not bring down cost-push inflation
Raising interest rates can keep a lid on inflation expectations
Discouraging household and corporate debt
Reduces the pressure on the banking sector, reducing the chance of bank failure and systemic risk, reducing the overall risks of recession
Promoting more sustainable borrowing and lending
Only those who need to borrow and can afford higher interest rates will enter the market, reducing the chance of unsustainable growth, credit bubbles, and asset price bubbles
Encouraging more saving
Increases living standards for those living off savings, provides a safety net for households and businesses, and increases investment
Higher interest rates
Can make housing more affordable by cooling down demand
Higher interest rates reducing AD
Can help reduce a current account deficit
Higher interest rates
Provide space for interest rate cuts in the next crisis
Cons of raising interest rates
Can shock the economy into a recession
Can make it harder for indebted households and businesses to service their debt
Can reduce business investment
Can worsen a current account deficit
Higher interest rates
Can lead to hot money inflows, strengthening the exchange rate, making imports cheaper and exports more expensive, worsening the current account deficit