Humanist believe we have the right to live therefore should have the right to die.
Non religious vieweuthanasia
Human dignity is very important for a humanist which means they also take into consideration the quality of life not just the value of it.
Non religious view euthanasia
Humanists also think we should respect personal autonomy. This means people should have the right to make their own decisions about their life, even if that means making the choice to end it.
Quality of life
a measure of how good or fulfilled a life is or can be
Value of life
The value of life is the value of a person over and above physical value
The ending of someone's life to free them of their suffering
People who go through with euthanasia
normally have an incurable illness.
There are cases where people who don't
have an incurable illness want euthanasia.
Normally done when someone asks for it but
sometimes if the person can't communicate
the decision is made for them.
Voluntary euthanasia
When a patient desires to end their life and has clearly made the choice to die
In-voluntary euthanasia
Where the patient has no say in their death. The decision is made by doctors or relatives
Passive Euthanasia
Not doing anything to stop or prevent the death of a person. When a doctor withholds any means to prolong the life of a patient.
Active euthanasia
When a doctor ends the patients life by legal injection or another way
For euthanasia
It's expensive to keep people alive when there is no cure for their illness. Euthanasia would allow resources to go towards treating people who have a shot of living.
For euthanasia
Society permits animals to be put down as an act of kindness when they are suffering; the same treatment should be available to humans.
For euthanasia
Human beings should have the right to be able to decide when and how they die.
For euthanasia
Euthanasia enables a person to die with dignity and in control of their situation.
For euthanasia
Family and friends would be spared the pain of seeing their loved one suffer a long-drawn-out death.
For euthanasia
Death is a private matter and the state should not interfere with the individuals right to die.
Against euthanasia
Some people may change their mind about euthanasia and be unable to tell anyone.
Against euthanasia
Euthanasia would weaken society's respect for the value and importance of human life.
Against euthanasia
It would undermine the commitment of doctors and nurses to save lives.
Against euthanasia
Proper palliative care is available which reduces or removes the need for people to be in pain.
Against euthanasia
It would discourage the search for new cures and treatments for the terminally ill.
Against euthanasia
It would put too much power in the hands of doctors and damage the trust between patient and doctor.
Against euthanasia
Some people may feel pressured to request euthanasia by family, friends or doctors when it isn't really something they want.
Against euthanasia
Some people recover unexpectedly.
Against euthanasia
Voluntary euthanasia could be the first step on a slippery slope that leads to the involuntary euthanasia, where those who are undesirable or seen as a problem could be killed.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the fertilisation in the laboratory of an embryo outside the mother’s body.
Saviour siblings
The term used to describe embryos that are selected to develop into babies that will help save their sibling
Arguments for saviour siblings
Could save life of sibling
Another child to be loved
Sense of pride
Good use of technology
Saviour siblings arguments against
Child may resent parents because they were selected for their siblings purpose.
Child cannot give consent
Medical procedure risk
Spare embryos are destroyed
Could lead to parents having unwanted kids
Designer baby
Term refers to the concept of genetically modifying embryos to create babies with desired traits
Designer babies arguments for
Remove genetic diseases
Remove faulty genes
Ensure best start of life
Save money in the future
Designer babies arguments against
Not every genetic illness is unbearable
Could lead to several problems
May create unnatural issues
Stem cell research
Term refers to the concept of genetically modifying embryos to create babies with desired traits
Should we use embryos for research
Using embryos for research can help scientists understand human development, which could lead to medical breakthroughs
Research can provide insights into causes of genetic disorders and birth defects
Embryos can be used to test the effects of new drugs
Can enhance our understanding of fertility and help improve techniques like IVF benefiting couples struggling with infertility
Should we use embryos for research (nO)
Human life begins at conception, and using embryos for research, which involves their destruction, is morally wrong because it disrespects the value of human life
Embryos have the potential to develop into human beings, and using them for research violets their rights to life and dignity
Can lead to more controversial practices, such as cloning or cheating ‘designer babies
Should we use embryos therapeutically
The embryo has no moral status - it is only a collection of cells. It becomes a person at birth
They are vital in extending our scientific knowledge. This can lead to new treatments for diseases
Provides insights into causes of genetic disorders and birth defects
Can be used to test the effects of new drugs and treatments to ensure they are safe before being used on humans
Should we use embryos theraputically (yes)
Some argue that human life begins at conception and using embryos for research disrespects the value of human life
There are other methods of research that don’t involve using embryos, like adult stem cells
The demand for embryos for therapy could lead to the exploitation of women, especially if they are paid to donate their eggs or go through fertility treatments to produce embryos