McRobbie studied girls magazines and found that in the 1970s, they emphasised the importance of getting married. However, nowadays, they contain images of strong, assertive and independent women.
Sharpe interviewed girls and found that their ambitions in the 1970s were to marry and have children, and saw their future in terms of a domestic role. However, in the 1990s, the girls priorities had changed to careers and wanting to be independent.
Parents spend less time reading to sons because it is seen as a 'feminine' activity.
Boys leisure interests do not encourage language and communication skills, whereas gitls ‘bedroom culture’ does.
Globalisation had led to the decline in heavy industries (eg. shipbuilding, mining and manufacturing) in the UK. This has led to a male ‘identity crisis’, giving them little motivation to get qualifications for a job.
boys - internal factors
Boys fall behind because education has been ‘feminised’, meaning schools no longer nurture masculine traits.
The introduction of coursework has disadvantages boys.
Lack of male primary school teachers - only 1 in 6 primary school teachers are male.
There is peer-pressure on boys to demonstrate their masculinity by being ‘anti-school’.