SpontaneityProcess- Type of process which does not need the application of energy to take place.
SpontaneityProcesses- these process.that occur naturally. it occurs without outside intervention.
Process that are spontaneous in one direction are nonspontaneous in the reverse direction.
NonspontaneousProcess- Type of process which needs the application of energy to take place. A process which needs the use of energy to make something happen.
Entropy- Is a term coined by Rudolp Clausius in the 19th century. A measure of the degree of disorderliness of a system.
Entropy- can be thought of as a measure of the randomness of a system. It is related to the various modes of motion in molecules.
GaseousState- Highest
LiquidState- Intermediate
SolidState- Lowest
SGas> SLiquid- Entropy of Gas compared to Entropy Liquid
SLiquid >SSolid- Entropy of Liquid compared to Entropy of Solid
Equilibrium- there is a state of balance.
Stateofbalance- is also referred to as a stateofequilibrium.
Stateofchemical equilibrium- the two opposing process happen at different rates but a certain point in the reaction will be reached where the rates of the forward and backward reactions are the same.
Reversible - Reactions in which the products can react to form back the reactants are said to be reversible.
In a chemical reaction, chemicalequilibrium is the state in which both reactions and products are present in concentrations which have no further tendency to change with time.
Forwardreaction proceeds at the same rate as the reversereaction.
Reactions rates of the forward and backward reactions are generally not zero, but equal.
Nonetchanges in the concentrations of the reactant(s) and product(s).
In reversible reactions, the reactants are
not completely convertedintoproducts and
some of the products may be converted
For the reaction of the reactants referred to as the
forwardreaction, aA + bB > cC + dD.
For the reaction of the products referred to as the reverse
reaction, cC + dD → aA + bB.
The rates of the opposing reactions
become equal and the system attains
Such a state is known as dynamic
At equilibrium, the rate of the forwardreaction becomes equal to the rate of the reversereaction.
At equilibrium, The forward and reversereactions continue at equal rates in both directions.