Social Learning Theory

Cards (17)

  • Bandura
    Psychologist who derived the social learning theory and conducted the Bobo Doll experiment
  • Assumptions: SLT

    Behaviour is learned through experience (nurture over nature)
    We learn through observation and imitation of others
    We can learn directly or indirectly
  • Factors affecting identification
    Gender, age, status, attractiveness
  • Role Models
    People we identify with and imitate
  • Vicarious Learning

    Indirect learning that occurs when we observe someone else's behaviour and learn through the consequences
  • Mediational Processes
    The bridge between behaviourism and the cognitive approach
    Attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation
  • Attention
    The extent to which we notice other's behaviour - more likely to pay attention to role models
  • Retention
    How well we can remember the behaviour we've paid attention to - more likely to remember if we like the behaviour
  • Motor Reproduction
    Evaluation of our own ability to copy the behaviour - if too easy or too hard we may not try
  • Motivation
    Wanting to reproduce the behaviour (valued reward)
  • When did Bandura do his Bobo Doll experiment?

  • Aim of Bandura's research
    To find out if children would change their level of aggression based on whether they observed an aggressive or non-aggressive role model
  • Bandura's Experiment

    72 children split into 3 groups (aggressive role model, non-aggressive role model, control)
    48 children in experimental groups of 6 (3 boys, 3 girls) - half saw same sex role model, half saw opposite
    Aggressive role model was violent towards to Bobo doll (hit it with a mallet, made noises eg POW)
    Children then sent into another room with toys that they weren't allowed to play with, making them frustrated
    Then sent into room with other toys and Bobo doll
    Children who saw aggression were more aggressive
  • Bandura's Conclusion

    Behaviour can be learned by imitation even if it hasn't been reinforced (contradicts Skinner's operant conditioning)
  • Bandura DV

    Level of aggression in child
  • Evaluation: SLT

    Emphasises importance of cognitive factors eg judgement - rather than comparing humans to animals
    Explains cultural differences - imitate what you see
    Over-reliance on lab study evidence may have demand characteristics
    Underestimates biological influences (Bandura: boys more aggressive than girls not explained)
  • Boys were more aggressive than girls in Bandura's experiment