Assigning a new class or range value to all pixels in the dataset based on their original values
Reclassification examples
Binary masking
Creating an output dataset that contains a zone (or zones) of a specified width around an input feature
Overlaying a raster dataset with a vector polygon clip layer to produce a single raster that is identical to the input raster but shares the extent of the polygon clip layer
Raster overlay
Overlaying multiple raster datasets, requiring that all overlain rasters are covering identical areas and maintaining equal resolution (i.e. cell size)
Map algebra
Algebraic operations with raster layers, including arithmetic, boolean, and relational
Map algebra examples
Arithmetic raster overlay
Boolean raster overlay
Relational raster overlay
A raster dataset that contains an attribute value for every locale throughout its extent
Terrain mapping
Interpolation to estimate the value of a variable at an unsampled location from measurements made at nearby or neighboring locales
TIN interpolation
Creating a surface formed by triangles of nearest neighbor points
Raster-based overlay is preferred for projects that involve a number of layers and a considerable amount of computation
Vector-based overlay operation can combine multiple attributes from each input layer, whereas raster in a local operation is associated with a single set of cell values
Vector-based buffering operation creates more accurate buffer zones than a raster-based one
Vector-based buffering operation has more flexibility in creating and manipulating separate distance measures compared to raster-based one
A system of linear features that has the appropriate attributes for the flow of objects, typically topology-based with links (edges/arcs) and nodes (junctions)
Traveling salesman problem
A routing problem stipulating the salesman must visit each of the select shops only once, and the salesman may start from any stop but return to the original stop
Vehicle routing problem
An extension of the traveling salesman problem, finding the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse in order to deliver to a given set of customers
Shortest path analysis
Finds the path with the minimum cumulative impedance between nodes on a network
Closest facility analysis
Finds the closest facility among candidate facilities to any location on a network
Finding coverage
Creating drive-time areas that correspond to the distance that can be reached within a specific amount of time