Cards (24)

  • Global governance or global interstate system 

    is collective efforts to identify, understand, and address worldwide problems that go beyond the problem-solving capacities of states (weiss, 2010)
  • global governance
    it is the capacity within international system to provide government-like services and public goods in the absence of a world government. combination of informal and formal ideas, values, rules, norms, procedures, practices, policies, and organizations that helps all actors- states. addresses transboundary problems
  • global governance
    is a set of questions that enables us to work out how the world is, was , and could be governed, and how changes in grand and not-so grand patterns of governance occurred. are occurring and ought to occur (weiss, 2013)
  • gross disconnect
    is apparent between the nature of a growing number of contested global problems such as climate change, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, mass atrocities, financial volatilities, cyber threats, transnational crime, pandemic, and political structures for international problem-solving and decision making
  • gross disconnect
    is because of the traditional and age-old political structures which have been in existence for centuries
  • elements of nation-state
    -continuous and broken territory
    -sovereign territory
    -state has the monopoly both of law and of the powers of coercion
    -national state rules its citizens or subjects directly and not through intermediate authorities
    -direct government and administration by the central authorities of the nation-state
    -considered to represent the people and the people serves as a source of sovereignty or at least give the state legitimacy
    -citizenry was or ought to form a homogenous population
  • phase of uncertainty
    it is evident in the experience of US facing serious setback in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. emerging powers such as China, russia and brazil forming regional alliance (brics) to create multipolar and anti-hegemonic order, beginning of the post-american world.
  • Supranational and infra-national forces

    described as the withdrawal of its inhabitants from citizenship
  • creation of supranational economy 

    transactions are largely uncontrolled by states, resulting restriction of states to direct national economies
  • rise of regional or global institutions
    the EU, ASEAN, UN to which individual countries defer either because they are too small to engage in effective competition in international competition or because their economies are so weak
  • territorial borders are largely irrelevant
    by technological revolution in transport and communication
  • Supranational organization 

    entities that exists above the level of several nation state. members surrender some degree of sovereignty to a higher authority
  • Infra-national organization

    entities exists below the level of nation state
  • UN is example of
  • Catalonia
    autonomous community in spain has its own parliament government
  • Palestine
    UN observer participant and not a member
  • unstructure
    an autonomy is divided into system
  • Non-state actors
    The proliferation of actors that are legitimately representing stakeholders and contributing concretely to contemporary global problem-solving means that we have come a long way from the state-centric model of traditional international relations
  • United nations
    is an international government organization designed to make the enforcement of international law, security, human rights economic development and social progress easier for countries around the world
  • UN general assembly
    is the main decision-making body and representative assemble and is responsible for upholding the principles of UN through its policies and recommendations. composed of all member states and headed by a president elected
  • UN security council
    authorize the deployment of UN member states' militaries, can mandate a cease-fire during conflicts, and can enforce penalties on countries if they do not comply with given mandates. compose of 5 permanent members and 10 rotating members
  • International court of justice
    settle, according to the international law, legal disputes between states and give opinions mostly advisory, on legal questions brought to it by UN organs and agencies
  • Economic and social council
    assist the UN general assembly in promoting economic and social development, as well as cooperation of member state
  • Secretariat
    headed by the secretary-general provides studies information, and other dates when needed by other UN branches for their meetings