Plasma membrane

Cards (31)

  • Define Eukaryotic cells
    Cells that have a nuclear envelope and membrane-bound organelles
  • What are the main features of Eukaryotic cells

    • Genetic material is organized into chromatin and enclosed in a nuclear envelope
    • Contained within a Plasma Membrane
  • What is the main difference between Plant cellsand Animal cells
    Plant cells have chloroplasts, vacuole and cell wall.
  • What is the role of Plant cell vacuole
    Stores various chemicals and plays a role in cell growth
  • What is the role of the Plant cell wall
    • Maintains the cell shape and prevents mechanical damage
  • Describe the features of the Nucleus

    • Contains most of the genes which control the cell
    • DNA is packed into chromatin
  • What is the role of the Plasma membrane
    • Separates the cell from its external environment
    • Controls movement of substances
    • Maintains the electrolyte balance in the cell
    • Acts as sensor to external signals
  • What are the main types of Membrane lipids
    Phospholipids, Cholesterol and glycolipids.
  • What are the main functions of membrane proteins
    • Transport proteins
    • Receptor sites
    • Structural roles
    • Cell junctions
  • Describe the roles of Membrane carbohydrates
    • Recognition between cells and the extracellular matrix
    • Blood groups
  • What are the types of Endocytosis
    1. Phagocytosis
    2. Pinocytosis
    3. Receptor-mediated
  • Describe Exocytosis
    • Vesicles fuse with the interior membrane
    • Vesicles release contents
  • What is the endomembrane system
    Specialized organelles and internal membranes.
  • What do plant cells not contain that animal cells do
    Lysosome, centrioles and flagellum.
  • What is the tonoplast
    Valuole membrane
  • How did mitochondria and chlorplast develop
    By endosymbiosis.
  • What did mitochondria develop from
    Aerobic bactera
  • What did chloroplasts develop from
  • Describe the endosymbiotic theory
    • Infolding prokaryotic membrane forms the nucleus
    • Aerobic and cyanobacteria formed a symbiotic relationship with the prokaryote
  • What organelles other than the nucleus contain DNA
    Chloroplasts and mitochondria.
  • what are the enveloped organelles
    Nucleus, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts.
  • What is an organelle envelope
    A double mebrane.
  • Describe the structure of the nucleus
    • Envelope
    • Pores
    • Nucleolus
    • Nucleuoplasm
  • What is the cytoplasm of the nucleus called
  • What is the nucleolus
    Where Ribosomes are made
  • What doe integrins do
    Allow for the cell to attach to the extracellular matrix
  • What is endocytosis
    The movement of substances into the cell.
  • What is exocytosis
    The movement of substances out of the cell.
  • Describe phagocytosis
    Uptake of insoluble material.
  • Describe pinocytosis
    Extracellular fluid is taken up using vesicles made from the cell membrane.
  • Describe receptor-mediated endocytosis
    Ligands bind to cell receptors, triggering endocytosis of the receptor and ligand. The receptor is transported back to the membrane, and the ligand is processed.