Eyjafjallajokull eruption

Cards (4)

  • Background info

    - Located in Iceland on the North American plate (moving west) and Eurasian plate (moving easy)
    - Divergent plate boundary
    - On the Mid-atlantic ridge
    - Lots of volcanic activity
    - Early 2010 seismic activity detected in the area. Gave evidence that there is movement in the magma under the crust in the magma chamber
    - Real threat came from ash clouds as people was vulnerable from a further distance
    - Little risk as little people lived in the area
    - April 2010
    - Eruption was a 4 on the VEI
  • Local impact

    - 20 farms were destroyed by flooding ash clouds
    - breathing mask were recommended to be worn outside
    - livestock has to remain indoors
    - Huge amount of ice melted causing lahars and 1000 people evacuated
    - 3 mm layer of ash was destroyed across the landscape
    - Ash contained fluoride which contaminated the waters which harmed humans and animals
  • Worldwide impacts

    - Airline closures affected millions of people and affected the global economy
    - London lost estimated $102 million tourist income
    - shares in airline and tourism agencies dropped by 4%
    - overall 95000 flights got cancelled
    - Cost airlines $130 million per day that the air spaced closed
    - Many europeans counties were forced to shut down their air space.
    - Ash clouds poured into higher atmosphere and blown over to Europe
    - less fuels needed so 1.87 million barrels not used and caused a loss in money in the oil industry
    - Britain has fine anticyclone weather so the ash clouds was dispersed across the country
  • Responses
    - High tech equipment used t predict further eruptions
    - Had warning systems with texts being sent with a 30 min warning
    - Iceland was very prepared for the eruption due to the forecasted activity detected
    - emergency services were well prepared.