Cards (9)

  • Instructional materials or tools in contrast are the objects or vehicles used to transmit information that supplement the act of teaching.
  • A teaching method is the way information is taught that brings the learner into contact with what is to be learned.
  • Deciding on which method(s) to select must be based on the following major factors:
    1. Audience characteristics (size, diversity, learning style preferences)
    2. Educator’s expertise as a teacher
    3. Objectives of learning
    4. Potential for achieving learning
    5. Cost-effectiveness
    6. Setting for teaching
  • LECTURE: is a highly structured method where the teacher acts the resource person and transmitter of knowledge and information to the learners.
  • LECTURE: Can be used to stimulate student's interest in a subject. Can inspire people.
  • LECTURE: Can be an efficient means of introducing learners to a new topic.
  • LECTURE: Used to integrate and synthesize a large body of knowledge from several fields or sources.
  • LECTURE: Clarifying difficult concepts.
    1. It can be efficient means of introducing learners to new topics.
    2. It can be used to stimulates student's interest in a subject.
    3. To integrate and synthesize a large body of knowledge from several fields or sources
    4. It can also be used to inspire people to apply worthy information.
    5. It can clarify difficult portions esp. supplemented by graphics, charts audio-visuals.
    6. It is valuable where knowledge is advancing rapidly and up-to-date textbooks.