AS micro topic 1.3

Cards (31)

  • Market failure occurs when the market fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently, causing a loss in social welfare
  • Types of market failure

    • Externalities
    • Under-provision of public goods
    • Information gaps
  • Externalities
    The cost or benefit a third party receives from an economic transaction outside of the market mechanism
  • Goods with externalities

    • Cars and cigarettes have negative externalities
    • Education and healthcare have positive externalities
  • Public goods

    Non-rivalry and non-excludable, meaning they are underprovided by the private sector due to the free-rider problem
  • Public good
    • Streetlights
  • Information gaps

    Economic agents do not have perfect information, so they do not always make rational decisions and resources are not allocated to maximise welfare
  • Information gaps

    • Consumers do not know the quality of second hand products, such as cars
    • Pension schemes are complex so it is difficult to know which one is best
  • Private costs/benefits

    The costs/benefits to the individual participating in the economic activity
  • Social costs/benefits
    The costs/benefits of the activity to society as a whole
  • External costs/benefits

    The costs/benefits to a third party not involved in the economic activity
  • Merit good
    A good with external benefits, where the benefit to society is greater than the benefit to the individual
  • Demerit good
    A good with external costs, where the cost to society is greater than the cost to the individual
  • Marginal private benefit (MPB)

    The extra satisfaction gained by the individual from consuming one more of a good
  • Marginal social benefit (MSB)

    The extra gain to society from the consumption of one more good
  • Marginal private cost (MPC)

    The extra cost to the individual from producing one more of the good
  • Marginal social cost (MSC)

    The extra cost to society from the production of one more good
  • Negative production externalities

    Social costs are greater than private costs, so the market will produce too much
  • Positive consumption externalities
    Social benefits are greater than social costs, so the market will produce too little
  • It is difficult to work out the size of the externality as it tends to be placed on value judgements, since it is difficult to monetise external costs
  • Many externalities are involved with information gaps, as people are unaware of the full implications of their decisions
  • Government interventions to address externalities
    • Indirect taxes and subsidies
    • Tradable pollution permits
    • Provision of the good
    • Provision of information
    • Regulation
  • Non-rivalry

    One person's use of the good doesn't stop someone else from using it
  • Non-excludable
    You cannot stop someone from accessing the good and someone cannot chose not to access the good
  • Free rider problem
    You cannot charge an individual a price for the provision of a non-excludable good because someone else will gain the benefit from it without paying anything
  • Symmetric information
    Buyers and sellers have potential access to the same information; this is perfect information
  • Asymmetric information

    One party has superior knowledge compared to another, usually the seller has more information than the buyer
  • Most advertising leads to information gaps as it is designed to change attitudes of the consumers to encourage them to buy the good
  • Increases in technology mean information gaps are on the decline as people can get more information
  • Information gaps lead to market failure as there is a misallocation of resources because people do not buy things that maximise their welfare
  • Information gaps

    • Drugs, where users do not see the long term problems
    • Pensions, where young people do not see the long term benefits of paying into their pension schemes
    • Financial services, where the suppliers have more information than the consumers so abuse their customers for their own benefit (moral hazard)