when we two parted

Cards (13)

  • what is byrons sexuality
  • what is Lord byrons personal life like
    had a turbulent+controversial personal life
  • What was Lord Byron accused of from his wife
    accused of incest,sodomy,numerous infidelities
  • context
    apparantely byron wrote this poem when one of his flings Lady Frances Webster had an affair with the Duke of Wellington
  • hyperbaton
    'pale grew thy cheek+cold,colder thy kiss'
  • alternate rhyme scheme
    'me'+ 'thee' - two speakers placed in a clear parallel juxaposition
  • accentual verses
    goes from dactylic,anapestic twice to just dactylic
  • why does the speaker have accentual verses
    speaker starts off by feeling a bit ambivalent,almost wistful in his lament to the loss of this relationship - This uncertainty is reflected in the wishy-washiness of the rythm as it shifts betwen the stresses +unstresses at the beginning
  • 'sever for years'
    right after byrons reference to that quote-his words as does the rythm become more resolute in its decision to cut ties+so the rhythm becomes more trenchant with the dactylic momentum as the speaker places the blame of this breakup on his lover
  • visual imagery
    'dew of the morning'
  • similarities w neutral tones
    morbid references to express their sadness. Byron=use of auditory imagery in 'A knell to thine ear' Hardly =uses the metaphors= 'the smile on ur mouth was the deadest thing'
  • sadness with NT
    phonetics - Byron uses sibilance in 'silence+tears'+ Hardy uses the same techinque in 'bitterness swept thereby'
  • differences w NT
    In NT-the speakers dejection is reflected in his negative description of his surroundings. natural imagery usually has positive connations however here, this is subverted in the syndetic listing 'your face and the God curst sun and a tree'
    whereas,In WWTP- the speaker reflects on his internalised feelings in 'in silence i grieve'