apparantely byron wrote this poem when oneofhisflingsLadyFrancesWebster had an affair with the DukeofWellington
alternate rhyme scheme
'me'+ 'thee' - two speakers placed in a clearparalleljuxaposition
goes from dactylic,anapestictwicetojustdactylic
why does the speaker have accentual verses
speaker starts off by feeling a bit ambivalent,almostwistful in his lament to the loss of thisrelationship - This uncertainty is reflected in the wishy-washiness of the rythm as it shifts betwen the stresses +unstresses at the beginning
'sever for years'
right after byrons reference to that quote-his words as does the rythmbecomemoreresolute in its decision to cutties+so the rhythm becomes moretrenchant with the dactylicmomentum as the speaker places the blame of this breakup on hislover
visual imagery
similarities w neutral tones
morbid references to express their sadness. Byron=use of auditoryimagery in 'Aknelltothineear' Hardly =uses the metaphors= 'thesmileonurmouthwasthedeadestthing'
sadness with NT
phonetics - Byron uses sibilance in 'silence+tears'+ Hardy uses the same techinque in 'bitternesssweptthereby'
differences w NT
In NT-the speakers dejection is reflected in his negative description of his surroundings.naturalimageryusually has positiveconnationshoweverhere, this is subverted in the syndeticlisting'yourfaceandtheGodcurstsunandatree'
whereas,In WWTP- the speaker reflects on his internalisedfeelings in 'insilenceigrieve'