Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

Cards (6)

  • Disputing
    Challenging irrational thoughts
  • Effective disputing

    1. Changes self-defeating beliefs into more rational beliefs
    2. Helps the depressed client feel more positive and become more self-accepting
  • Methods of disputing

    • Empirical disputing
    • Logical disputing
    • Pragmatic disputing
  • Empirical disputing
    Depressed client asks themselves if beliefs are consistent with reality and where is the evidence that the negative thoughts are true
  • Logical disputing

    Therapist questions whether the irrational beliefs follow on coherently (logically) from the information available and whether the negative thoughts make common sense
  • Pragmatic disputing

    Depressed client questions the usefulness of the negative thoughts and considers how the thoughts help them feel better or worse