Eval of Neural OCD

Cards (10)

  • Neural explanation of OCD

    • Strong evidence that certain brain circuits are associated with OCD
    • PET scans of patients with OCD show heightened activity in the OFC
    • Unusually high activation within the OFC and excessive activity in the caudate nucleus for patients with OCD
    • Serotonin levels are lower in OCD patients
  • Serotonin activity in OCD

    • SSRI's can successfully treat the symptoms of OCD
    • Increasing serotonin levels can actually make OCD symptoms worse
    • Other neurotransmitters like dopamine and glutamate have also been implicated in OCD
  • It is unlikely that abnormal levels of serotonin are a sole cause of OCD
  • We cannot assume that neural mechanisms cause OCD
  • Brain scan studies show an association between increased activity in certain brain areas and OCD, but this doesn't show that those brain areas play a role in causing OCD
  • Biological abnormalities could be a consequence of OCD rather than its cause
  • SSRI's (antidepressants) do not offer relief to 100% of OCD sufferers
  • Psychological explanations offer strong competition to the biological model when explaining OCD
  • OCD may be the result of conditioning and the success of CBT suggests there is a cognitive element in the cause of OCD
  • A more holistic approach that considers biology, conditioning and cognitions may provide a better explanation for OCD than biology alone