Keep control propaganda

Cards (8)

  • Josef Goebbels
    Centre of propaganda network
  • Josef Goebbels' involvement with the Nazi party

    1. Joined in 1922, first opposing Hitler
    2. Appointed head of Nazi Ministry of Propaganda in 1928
    3. Gave the order for Kristallnacht in 1938
  • Josef Goebbels

    • Took control over mass media
    • Newspapers and posters were monitored very closely & were issued with strong & simple slogans about the Nazis
    • Policy of censorship allowed Goebbels to control the media and ensure Germans never heard conflicting messages
  • Newspapers
    1. All anti-Nazi papers were shut
    2. Jews were banned from owning or working for newspapers
    3. Daily instructions sent out to newspapers telling them what not to print, what pictures to show, and what stance they should take
    4. Newspapers were posted on display boards in order for all to be able to read
  • Nazi rallies

    • Goebbels stage managed these rallies to give a dramatic impression of overwhelming power
    • The Nuremberg stadium was built for this purpose
  • Book censorship

    1. All books censored by Nazis
    2. Official book burnings to get rid of books published by communists, socialists, Jews, and anyone they disapproved of or containing ideas they disapproved of
  • Radio
    • Goebbels was placed in charge
    • Block on foreign programs
    • Included Hitler's speeches, German history, and music
    • Cheap radios were made to enable as many Germans as possible to listen to the propaganda
    • Loudspeakers were set up in public squares
  • Films
    • Goebbels controlled films
    • Newsreels were made by Goebbel's film makers and shown before every film
    • Goebbels ordered some openly pro-Nazi films to be made where he had control over the scripts