Cards (24)

  • Social stratification
    categories groups of people into a hierarchy on the basis of wealth, status, or power
  • social stratification
    phenomenon of segregating, grouping, and ranking people based on differences in class, race, economic status, and other categories
  • dilemma of social stratification
    group which possesses control over power and resources are given much privilege at the expense of those who are deprived. problematic because, in principle, humans, with our intrinsic dignity and consequential rights to live and prosper, should also have equitable access to resources- both material and nonmaterial.
  • global divide
    stratification among nations. it is a global disparities often due to differing economic affluence but can also be in other aspects
  • Example of global divide
    first world, second world, third world countrues
  • Cold war definition
    first world countries
    were those that were aligned with the US and NATO such as US, Canada, Western Europe, and Japan
  • Cold war definition
    second world countries

    those were aligned with the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact including China, Easter Europe, and Cuba
  • cold war definition
    third world countries

    were not aligned with either side such as most of Africa, Asia, and latin america
  • Post cold war definition
    first world countries

    considered to be highly developed countries with strong economies, high standards of living, and advances technology
  • post cold war definition
    second world countries

    considered to be developing countries that are transitioning to capitalism
  • post cold war definition
    third world countries

    considered to be developing countries with low standards of living and limited economic development
  • Global north vs global south
    it is divided in to two groups by the brand report
  • Brandt report
    seminal document published in 1980 by the independent commission for international development issues, chaired by former west german chancellor "willy brandt"
  • Brandt report
    addressed the pressing issue of global inequality and called for a massive transfer of resources from developed to developing countries to ensure a more and just equitable world
  • key points of the brandt report
    Growing Inequality:

    highlighted the widening gap between the rich, developed countries of the Global North and the poor, developing countries of the Global South
  • Key Points of the Brandt Report:

    emphasized the interconnectedness of the global economy and argued that the prosperity of developed nations was inextricably linked to the progress of developing countries.
  • Key Points of the Brandt Report:
    Shared Responsibility: 

    The report called for a global partnership to address poverty and inequality, stressing the shared responsibility of all nations in creating a more equitable world.
  • global north
    refer to the countries that are geographically in the northern hemisphere or to countries that are economically developed
  • global south
    refers to the countries that are geographically in the southern hemisphere or to countries that are economically struggling
  • global south by claudio (2014)

    discussed the nuances of construing the Global South. He suggests that “there is no uniform global south” as the concept is construed both objectively and subjectively, and thus begging for “academic analysis” to articulate it.
  • 3 contentions (claudio, 2014)
    1. decolonization process produces states
    2. problems of globalization can be discussed and solved at the state level
    3. transnational phenomena are arguably outcomes of state policies
  • rise of the global south
    latin america experience
    group of countries in south america which share the same language and culture. These socio-cultural characteristics are linked with their common colonizers, Portugal and Spain. manifested a colorful political scene, characterized by massive and forceful resistance from the grassroots. Across time as well, countries in the Latin Americas have been plagued by poverty and economic instability
  • major countries in latin america
    1. brazil, brasilia
    2. mexico, mexico city
    3. colombia, bogota
    4. argentina, buenos aires
    5. peru, lima
  • pacific alliance and mercosur
    two major trade organization in the latin americas