Categories of drugs (Addiction)

Cards (17)

  • Excessive cannabis use
    Can produce delirium or rarely, cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, both of which are treated symptomatically
  • Withdrawal and Detoxification of cannabis
    Although some people have reported withdrawal symptoms of muscle aches, sweating, anxiety, and tremors, no clinically significant withdrawal syndrome is identified.
  • Opioids: popular drugs of abuse because they desensitize the user to both physiological and psychological pain and induce a sense of euphoria and well-being.

    Opioid compounds include both potent prescription analgesics such as morphine, meperidine (Demerol), codeine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, methadone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, and propoxyphene as well as illegal substances such as heroin, illicitly produced fentanyl, and normethadone. Fentanyl (Duragesic, Actiq) is a synthetic opioid used in clinical settings for anesthesia.
  • Illicitly produced fentanyl use has skyrocketed in the past decade and is thought to be responsible for the dramatic increase in deaths from opioid overdose.
  • Intoxication and Overdose: Opioids
    • Opioid intoxication. apathy, lethargy, listlessness, impaired judgment, psychomotor retardation or agitation, constricted pupils, drowsiness, slurred speech, and impaired attention and memory.
    • Severe intoxication or opioid overdose. coma, respiratory depression, pupillary constriction, unconsciousness, and death.
  • Withdrawal and Detoxification: Opioids
    • Signs of withdrawal muscle twitching; anorexia; insomnia; increased temperature, respiration, and blood pressure; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; and restlessness.
    • Overdose of opioids. coma, respiratory depression, and death
  • Intoxication and Overdose of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSANTS
    • Physical and psychological dependence
    • euphoria
    • Depression and hostility
    • Impaired judgment and lack of coordination can occur
    • Slurring of speech and decreased inhibitions can occur
    • Tolerance can develop
    • unsteady gait, labile mood
  • Withdrawal and Detoxification of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSANTS:
    • Withdrawal: increased temperature, tachycardia, postural hypotension,insomnia, tremors, agitation, apprehension, weakness, seizures, and psychosis
    • Detoxification: Medications such as lorazepam, with actions that typically last about 10 hours, produce withdrawal symptoms in 6 to 8 hours; longer acting medications, such as diazepam, may not produce withdrawal symptoms for 1 week.
  • Intoxication and Overdose of Stimulants:
    • Intoxication. high or euphoric feeling, hyperactivity, hypervigilance, talkativeness, anxiety, grandiosity, hallucinations, stereotypic or repetitive behavior, anger, fighting, and impaired judgment.
    • Overdoses of stimulants. seizures and coma; deaths are rare.
  • Withdrawal and Detoxification of Stimulant:
    • Withdrawal: Crash, Depression and Lack of energy. Stimulant withdrawal is not treated pharmacologically.
    • Marked dysphoria is the primary symptom and is accompanied by fatigue, vivid and unpleasant dreams, insomnia or hypersomnia, increased appetite, and psychomotor retardation or agitation.
  • Effects include euphoria, hyperactivity, insomnia, anorexia and weight loss,tachycardia and hypertension, psychotic behavior.
  • It when taken orally in overdose, are rarely fatal, but the person is lethargic and confused.
    • No withdrawal syndrome when discontinued, but flashbacks may occur for several months alter use stops.
    • Bad trips may result in panic and unpredictable psychotic behaviors.
    • May harm self when under the influence.
    • Hallucinogens distort reality.
    • the hemp plant that is widely cultivated for its fiber used to make rope and cloth and for oil from its seeds.
    • Widely known for its psychoactive resin.
    • This resin contains more than 60 substances, called cannabinoids, of which δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is thought to be responsible for most of the psychoactive effects.
    Cannabis sativa
  • High feeling similar to alcohol, lowered inhibitions, relaxation, euphoria, and increased appetite
    Cannabis intoxication
  • Symptoms of cannabis intoxication
    • Impaired motor coordination
    • Inappropriate laughter
    • Impaired judgment and short-term memory
    • Distortions of time and perception
  • Physiological effects of cannabis
    • Increased appetite
    • Conjunctival injection (bloodshot eyes)
    • Dry mouth
    • Hypotension
    • Tachycardia