22) wartime economy and work of speer

Cards (14)

  • when was Germany fully finalised for war?
  • why was Germany's war time economy not mobilised?

    Hitler thought it would be over quickly so didn't call a 'total war' effort
    competing directions from different areas of gov
  • appointment of Speer as minister for Armaments
    February 1942
  • Speer's Central Planning Agency implementations

    -fewer, but more efficient factories
    -mass production methods
    -factories running 24 hours
    -preventing military conscription of skilled armament workers
  • aircraft production between 1942 and 1944

    increased by 200%
  • tank production between 1942 and 1944

    increased by 250%
  • productivity per worker in munitions factories between 1942 and 1944

    increased by 60%
  • In January 1945 what was the calculated result of bombings on tank production?

    35% fewer tanks
  • in January 1945, what was the calculated effect of bombings on aircraft production

    31% fewer aircrafts
  • in January 1945, what was the calculated effect of bombings on lorries production

    42% fewer lorries
  • Goebbels called for "total war" effort

    February 1943
  • Fritz Sauckel
    responsible for foreign labour force
    transported 2.8 million forces labourers from Eastern Europe
  • how much of the total labour force was made up of foreign labour
  • by 1944, how many foreign labourers in Germany

    7 million and also 7 million working for Germany in occupied countries