18) Nazi policies towards the Jews (1933-37)

Cards (14)

  • Boycott of Jewish shops

    April 1933
    SA stood outside Jewish shops and discouraged people going in but many Germans defied them
    Only lasted 1 day
  • Civil Service Laws
  • Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service

    required jews to be dismissed from roles of lawyers, doctors and teachers
  • How many Jewish travelling salesmen lost their jobs?
  • How many working Jews had full employment in 1933
    only 16%
  • Hindenburg's exemption for the Civil Service Laws
    Jews who had served in the armed forces in WW1. After Hindenburg's death there were no exceptions
  • How many Jews emigrated in 1933?
  • Law against overcrowding of German schools and universities
    Restricted the number of Jews in state education.
    Not completely removed until 1938
  • Nuremberg Laws
    1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.
  • Nuremberg Laws - The Reich Citizenship Law

    restricted citizenship to those who had 'pure' German blood and Jews denied citizenship
  • Nuremberg Laws - Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour

    outlawed marriage between Aryans and non-Aryans
  • Nuremberg Laws - First Supplementary Decree on the Reich Citizenship Law
    'half-Jews' (Mischlinge) allowed to serve in lower ranks of military but 'full Jews' could not
  • Effectiveness of discrimination

    Many Gestapo reports show that many Germans didn't support the discrimination but varied between areas
  • Berlin Olympics of 1936
    Only members of the Aryan race to compete for Germany.
    Removed antisemitic signs from the city's main tourist attractions. They also removing all the gypsies to a separated camp.