12) The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship

Cards (22)

  • when was Hitler appointed chancellor?
    30 Jan 1933
  • torchlight procession

    30th Jan 1933
    Hitler stood on balcony of the Reich chancellery to review a procession of around 100,000 Nazi members through Berlin.
    To show this wouldn't be a normal change of gov.
  • how many Nazi member in Hitler's first cabinet meeting?
    only 3 out of 12
  • SA membership

    Jan 1933 - 500,000
    1934 - 3 million
  • auxiliary police

    SA joined with the Stahlhelm in Feb 1933 and became known as this.
  • political prisoners arrested by SA by July 1933

    26,789 imprisoned in one of 70 camps
  • First permanent concentration camps
    firstly it was the communists, socialists and trade unionists imprisoned
    first established on 8 March at Dachau near Munich with accommodation for over 5000
  • When was the Enabling Act passed?
    24th March 1933
  • What was the Enabling Act?

    law to allow Hitler to make laws without the approval of the Reichstag and without reference to the president for 4 years
  • First meeting of the new Reichstag

    23rd March. Hitler's aim was to secure 2/3 majority for the Act
  • How was Hitler able to pass the enabling act?

    By offering the Centre party reassurance that he would not use the powers without consulting Hindenburg. Hitler won its support so could gain the 2/3 majority.
  • March 1933 election use of propaganda

    election rallies, posters, radio broadcasts.
    It was made virtually impossible for the left to organise election meetings and their posters were removed.
  • March 1933 election percentage of votes for non-Nazi parties

    Nearly 64% of the voters supported none Nazi parties.
  • March 1933 election Nazi votes
  • March 1933 election DNVP seats
  • March 1933 election SPD seats
  • How did Hitler gain a majority in the March 1933 election?

    joined with the DNVP (nationalists) to form a majority together
  • What was the Decree for the protection for the people and the state?

    legalised a full-scale assault on communists by giving police increased power to arrest and detain without charge and to enter and search private premises.
    Gave Hitler emergency powers and suspended civil and political rights under the constitution
  • What did police use the decree for the protection of the people and the state to do?
    arrest 10,000 communists in 2 weeks
  • When was the Reichstag fire?
    27th February 1933
  • Who was blamed for the Reichstag fire?

    Marinus van der Lubbe (Dutch communist)
  • How did Nazis use the Reichstag fire as propaganda?

    claimed that the communists were plotting a revolution so became a legal reason to justify suspension of civil liberties and Hitler persuaded Hindenburg to call a new election in March where Nazis would increase terror.