Bio Psy - Brain Scans

Cards (10)

  • 3 Types of Brain Scans
    • fMRI
    • PET
    • CAT
  • fMRI
    • Produces a detailed image showing the structure of the brain and brain activity​
    • Based on:​
    • Increased neural activity = increased blood flow to an area of the brain​
    • Scanners electromagnets point protons in the same direction​
    • Radio waves passed through the head distort them = detected​
    • More H = palerless H = darker​
    • Oxygenated haemoglobin repels magnetic field, but deoxygenated follows the direction of the magnetic field. These changes cause an image on the scanner​
    • The computer maps it out to show changing levels of neural activities during tasks
  • fMRI :) Scientific
    Scientific equipment, can be repeated and analysed. T/f objectively analysed, high validity
  • fMRI :) Non-invasive
    Non-invasive procedure, no foreign substances. T/f less harmful​
  • fMRI :( Ecological Validity
    artificial lab, activity may not be reflective, t/f cant be
  • fMRI :( Expensive
    requires specialist staff, machinery etc. T/f limit use as might not have sufficient resources​
  • PET
    • Produces picture of functioning brain activity​
    • Injected with radioactive tracer which bonds to glucose​
    • Ppant does task and most active brain areas absorb glucose, leaving radioactive material remaining which produces gamma rays​
    • More gamma rays = more blood flow = more brain activity = more RED​
    • Less = blue
    • Cannot be used by pregnant women
  • Eval for PET
    :) Scientific
    :) Practical Applications - RAINE
    :( Invasive
    :( Ecological Validity
  • CAT
    • Produces image of any body part​
    • Multiple x ray beams passed through. Taking images of slices of body part which can make a 3D image​
    • Picks up how the area reacts to the x-ray, showing how far it is blocked – shows if a tumour is present​
    • Can produce a computer image of the brain
  • Eval for CAT
    :) Non invasive​
    :) Scientific
    :( Eco val
    :( exposure to radiation