Frankenstein character

Cards (10)

  • Thirst for knowledge - smitten for it Ambition, knowledge, exploration,
  • It was the secrets of Heaven and Earth, I desired to learn. Ambition, knowledge, exploration,
  • Breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. Ambition(failed), prejudice,
  • I devote myself either in my life or death to his destruction - VF. Ambition, revenge, responsibility, sickness
  • Seek happiness in Tranquility and avoid ambition - vf to Walton Ambition, responsibility, sickness
  • Solitary chamber or rather cell Isolation, ambition, secrecy, insanity,
  • I called myself, the murderer of William of Justine, and of clerval. Family, responsibility, love
  • I never saw a more interesting creature; his eyes have… an expression of wilderness, and even madness. Ambition, isolation, insanity, sickness
  • Like the archangel, who aspired to omnipotence I am chained in an eternal hell…
    vf Ambition, justice, good versus evil
  • He pressed my hand feebly, and his eyes closed forever, while the irradiation of a gentle smile passed away from his lips. Love, sickness.