15) Nazi economic policies (1933-39)

Cards (14)

  • The New Plan
    Schacht in 1934
    Involved trade deals with other countries to increase German exports and secure raw materials
  • Schacht's mefo bills

    credit notes that could be exchanged for cash at the Reichbank and ensured private companies had confidence they would get their money
  • what did mefo bills achieve?

    promised 4% interest per annum if they kept them for 5 years so rearmament could be started without the gov having the funds to finance it
  • autarky
  • 4 Year Plan

    Goering in 1936
    aimed to be war ready in 4 years based on autarky
  • how was the 4 year plan done?

    controls on labour supply, wages, prices, foreign currency.
    Gave production targets and increased production on chemicals, iron and steel.
  • How was the 4 year plan a failure?
    By 1939, only created enough ammunition for 6 weeks of war
  • How was autarky a failure?
    In 1939, Germany still imported 1/3 of its raw materials
  • Autobahns
    superhighways presented to show economic and technological prosperity.
  • How many were employed from the production of Autobahns?

    125,000 at peak of construction
  • Why was Autobahns a myth?
    only 3800 km out of the 7000 target made and stopped production in 1942
  • How were employment figures a myth?

    unemployment figures didn't include those who Nazis didn't want in work, such as women
    employment figures inflated by including unpaid and occasional contract workers
  • estimate of 'invisible unemployment'
    1.5 million workers
  • The Volkswagen (people's car)
    promoted by strength through joy, persuading workers to pay into a savings scheme to eventually purchase one but workers never able to get enough to have one