Government Procurement Law

Cards (8)

  • Competitive Bidding refers to a method of procurement which is open to participation by any interested party and which consists of the following processes: advertisement, pre-bid conference, eligibility screening of prospective bidders, receipt and opening of bids, evaluation of bids, post-qualification, and award of contract.
  • In the preparation of bidding documents, reference to brand names is not be allowed.
  • A prospective bidder may be allowed to submit his eligibility requirements electronically. However, said bidder shall later on certify under oath as to correctness of the statements made and the completeness and authenticity of the documents submitted.
  • A bidder may modify his bid, provided that this is done before the deadline for the receipt of bids
  • A bidder who has withdrawn his bid cannot submit another bid for the same contract either directly or indirectly.
  • Post-qualification is the stage where the bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bid, in the case of Goods and Infrastructure Projects, or the Highest Rated Bid, in the case of Consulting Services, undergoes verification and validation whether he has passed all the requirements and conditions as specified in the Bidding Documents.
  • In case of failure of bidding, the contract shall be re-advertised and re-bid. After the second failed bidding, the BAC may resort to negotiated procurement.
  • All bidding documents shall be accompanied by a sworn affidavit of the bidder that he or she or any officer of their corporation is not related to the Head of the Procuring Entity by consanguinity or affinity up to the 3rd civil degree. Failure to comply shall be a ground for the automatic disqualification of the bid.