Lady Macbeth

Cards (18)

  • “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t “ act 1 

    Juxtaposition between “flower“ and “serpent“ show the theme of appearance vs reality show she is week vested in deception she a femme fatal with heightened sexuality with rejection of mother hood and misguided people the fact she the “serpent“ show she the root of Macbeth evil as it parallels to ‘fall of Adam‘
  • “Yet I do fear thy nature is to full o’th milk of human kindness“ act 1

    The metaphor show she fears Macbeth kind nature implies morality is freighting and desperately wants to become queen. The noun ‘nature‘ alludes to Macbeth mortal soul that in his identity their part be can’t change ingrained in him “human kindness“ show his personality is universally recognised as kind. But lady Macbeth she this trait as unfavourable “to full” suggest his nature Is an obstacle. This is a reference to 4 humours so the metaphor implies his mentally unbalanced also milk is feminine suggesting he is weak.
  • “Come, you spirts that tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top full of direst cruelty: make thick my blood stop up th’acess and passage to remorse … come thick to my women breast and take my milk for gall you murdering minster “
  • “My dearest partner of greatness“ act 1 

    This how Macbeth addresses lady Macbeth in act 1 the personal pronoun “my” shows Macbeth deeply values her however later calls her “dearest chuck“
  • Lady Macbeth is an antagonist as of now she drives her husband to bloodshed alternatively view her as tragic heroine who falls due to error in judgement. Many debate what motivated her it could be the traditional norm of a wives to support her husband aspirations so is fulling her role as devoted wife or her motivation is her own ambition and goals so lives through her husband wanting to be queen to reap the benefits and to compensate for lack of children
  • “ pour my spirts in thine ear and chastise with valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round“ act 1 

    The imagery of “pour my spirt “ evokes demonic possession showing she wants to overpower Macbeth with her own villainy taking on masculine role.
  • “come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty make thick my blood stop up th’acess and passage to remorse … come o my woman breast and take my milk for gall you murdering minster“ 

    Combination of "blood" and "gall" allusion to Jesus crucifixion when the Romans gave him wine laced with gall to help him ease the pain and he refused it show she on the wrong side. imperative verb "come" "unsex" show she want to rid her female autonomy escape gender all together riding her of the consequences. She reject femininity
  • “ when you dunt do it, then you were a man“
    “ live a coward in thine own esteem“ act 1

    The alliteration of ‘d’ show lady Macbeth is the one who has the power
  • “Give me the dagger .. it’s the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil“ act 2
    Her request for the dagger and her dismissal of Macbeth's fears reveal her assertive and resolute nature.This metaphor suggests that fear is a product of innocence and naivety, akin to a child's fear of a harmless painted image. By likening fear to the "eye of childhood," Lady Macbeth downplays Macbeth's concerns and encourages him to act boldly. This metaphor adds depth to Lady Macbeth's manipulation of Macbeth and underscores her ruthlessness.
  • “Had he not resembled my father .. I had don’et” act 2

    Get a glimpse of Lady Macbeth vulnerable side capable of empathy her persona is a front however it sound like she would of taken on a masculine show she more capable then Macbeth“
  • “What’s done is done“ act 3 “what done cannot be undone“ act 5 

    In act 3 she has a lack of sympathy parallelism and Repetition realise weight of her action
  • “are you a man ?
  • nor heaven peep through the banquet of the dark“ act 1 

    The metaphor show she rejecting religion and abides in sinful nature
  • “come thick night, pall thee in dunest smoke of hell” act 1 

    the imperative verb “come” show she welcome supernatural forces and want to create a barrier between her and heaven
  • “ a great perturbation in nature“ act 5
    The juxtaposition between “perturbation“ and “nature“ suggest she the problem in the peace. Perturbation means mental disorder. She wanted to be as powerful as the witches this led to her feminine death of sucide whilst Macbeth is out in battle
  • ”Unnatural deed do breed unnatural troubles“
  • “ here the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand“ act 5
  • “Look how she rubs her hands out, dammed spot! I say! To bed, to bed, to bed“ act 5

    Her frantic speech reveal her guilt and deteriorating mental state. “damned spot!" vivid imagery conveying her distress and torment sense of unease and horror, as readers witness Lady Macbeth's mental unraveling. repetition of "to bed, to bed, to bed" adds urgency to Lady Macbeth's speech. This repetition highlights her agitation and desperation to escape the torment of her guilty conscience and reflects her attempts to regain control over her thoughts and emotions by seeking solace in sleep.