
Cards (32)

  • The internal control system consists of five components: Control environment, risk assessment, control activities, monitoring and communication.
  • Internal controls are intended to prevent errors and irregularities, identify errors and ensure that corrective action is taken
  • Internal controls are established to further strengthen:
    • The reliability and integrity of information
    • Compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws and regulations
    • The safeguarding of assets
    • The economical and efficient use of resources
    • The accomplishment of established objectives and goals for operations or programs
  • Corporate social responsibility is a business model by which companies make a concerted effort to operate in ways that provide responsibility and enhance society and the environment. CSR can help improve society and promote a positive brand image for companies
  • CSR is not just about giving back to the community but also about how businesses manage their impact on the world around them
  • control environment - the overall attitude of management and employees towards the environment and the way in which they manage it
  • risk assessment - identifying risks and determining whether there is an adequate response to those risks
  • monitoring - ongoing review of the effectiveness of the other four components of internal control
  • control activities - actions designed to address specific risks identified through risk assessment
  • information system - the hardware and software used to collect, process, store and communicate financial data
  • communication and training - ensuring all staff understand what is expected of them and have the skills needed to do their jobs properly
  • internal control - process to enhance the efficiency and reliability of accounting records and safeguard assets.
  • limitations of internal control include:
    • collusion - two employees working together to bypass icm
    • human error
    • cost
    • low staff
    • requires review
  • internal control area, NCA.
    • ensuring NCAs are safe guarded and used in an effective manner
    • security cameras
    • record keepings of NCA
    • insurance for NCA
    • training of staff
  • internal control, cash.
    • secure cash storage
    • transaction records
    • regularly deposit cash to banks.
    • duty of separation
  • internal control, inventory.
    • inventory levels kept appropriate
    • automated stock purchase
    • security of inventory
    • appropriate storage
    • competitive prices
  • internal control, accounts receivable.
    • ensure credit sales are reliable
    • issue invoices to debtors
    • payment plans
    • discounts
    • credit limits
  • internal control, accounts payable.
    • ensure payment of creditors and maintain positive supplier relationships.
    • negotiate prices and payments
    • ask for payment plan
    • communicate
  • corporate social responsibility, responsibility to people and the planet, not just profits.
    involving a business aligning activities with
    • triple bottom line
    • supporting employee welfare
    • supporting communities
  • environment CSR involves:
    • resource conservation - using minimal amounts of resources sustainably, ex using less plastic
    • green house gas - minimising gases, ex using renewable energy.
  • social CSR: the idea that businesses should consider the impact of their activities on society
    • taxation responsibility - not avoiding tax
    • sponsorship - provide funding
    • charity donations - donate to non-profit
    • employee wellbeing - fair wage + breaks
  • ethical behaviour: when decisions are made to align with guiding moral standards and principles
  • unethical practices include:
    • tax evasion schemes - accounting practices used to avoid tax legislations= no tax paid
    • cash sales - sales made in cash not recorded = no tax
    • employee exploitation - employees not treated well
  • CSR costs:
    • training staff
    • supply costs
    • maintenance costs
    • sponsorships and donations
  • CSR benefits:
    • enhance entity reputation
    • increased customers
    • reduce of costs, ex resource use.
    • postitive media
  • perpetual inventory system: inventory and cost of sales are recorded constantly requiring the use of software.
    benefits: stock levels updates in real time, income and balance sheet are easily prepared
    disadvantage: expensive
    software can't detect broken or stolen items
  • business entity refers to the owner and businesses transactions being separate from each other.
    • transactions should be recorded from the pov of the business
    • owners transactions must be kept separate
  • errors disclosed by trial balance
    • double entry accounting not followed
    • incorrect calculations
    • transposition errors where figures are switched around
    • doubling of debit or credit
    • not reading final balances and transferred to trial balance
  • GST is an indirect tax of 10% imposed on the supply of goods and services
  • GST input tax
    • Doesn't charge GST on the sale price: the final price to customers doesn't include GST.
    • Can't claim any GST credits for any GST they paid on expenses related to making the input-taxed supply.
  • GST-free supplies are goods and services in the GST system that are not subject to GST, but businesses can claim credits for the GST.
  • overdrafts are a borrowing facility linked to checking or current account, allowing you to withdraw money even with insufficient funds, essentially a short term loan.
    • advantages- convenience and flexibility, no fixed payments
    • disadvantages- high interest rates, risk of bank charges