Pessimistic view of Human Nature; stress competitive nature of people; people crave law and order; strong authoritarian state.
Focus on Order; opposes ideas that may be 'right' but destabilise the societal order; such as Thatcher's opposition to devolution; however, Cameron's IndyRef and Brexit suggest this is not the case.
Tradition and Preservation.
One Nation and Organic Society.
Opposition to ideology.
New Right Thatcherite Conservative Beliefs
Neo-Liberalism; no state interference in the economy eg Thatcher and privatisation; free market; reduce power of trade unions; stop dependency culture; reduce taxation.
Neo-conservatism; promotes socially conservative views; favours authoritarian state; law and order; national pride; suspicious of multinational organisations; hawkish foreign policy.
Modern Conservative views
The economy; austerity in response to £1.13 trillion national debt in 2010; under May. pragmatic approach and idea of a balanced budget abandoned; promotes free markets; reduce corporation tax but lower low income tax.
Law and order; oppose ASBOs and increased community sentences; recruit more police in 2019 manifesto.
Welfare; support for welfare state; create a 'living wage'; support for education; however NHS and schools should have private competition.
Foreign policy; support NATO, Ukraine, Israel, Trident missiles.
Social Justice.
Conservative Party factions
Cornerstone; motto is 'Faith, Flag, Family'; restore traditional conservative values; supports Christian beliefs; intense nationalism; reactionary towards social progessive ideas like gay marriage and abortion; eg Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Conservative Way Forward; largely neo-liberal; focuses on legacy of Thatcher; support free markets; support low taxation and privatisation of industry; opposed to high welfare benefits and trade union power.
Tory Reform Group; promotes social cohesion; 'one-nation' conservative beliefs; support reducing inequality; promote equal rights.