Exercise 17: Digestive System

Cards (58)

  • Digestive system - Mechanically and chemically breaks down food into simpler molecules that can be absorbed and utilized by the cells in the body
  • Food components that cannot be broken down into such state are excreted as fecal waste
  • Incomplete digestive system - characterized by a digestive tract that ends blindly where undigested waste material is egested through the mouth
  • What specimen of the flukeworm consist of two linear branches?
    Clonorchis sinensis
  • Label the following in the Clonorchis sinensis flukeworm digestive system.
    A) Mouth
    B) Oral sucker
    C) Pharynx
    D) Esophagus
    E) Intestines
  • Complete digestive system - characterized by having an additional orifice for the exit of undigested waste material.
  • The orifice could be in the form of an anus or a cloaca
  • What is the most prominent feature of the foregut of the cockroach?
  • What is found posterior to the crop of the cockroach?
  • What marks the anterior end of the midgut?
    Gastric ceca
  • Label the following digestive parts of the cockroach.
    A) Foregut
    B) Midgut
    C) Hindgut
    D) Crop
    E) Esophagus
    F) Gizzard
    G) Gastric ceca
    H) Malpighian tubules
    I) Colon
    J) Rectum
  • Toads have cloaca as well but in addition to being the exit for feces and urine, what else does it exit?
  • Digestive tract - Where the food passes through
  • Digestive glands - outgrowths which secrete enzymes towards the tract via ducts
  • In the toad, the space within the mouth is referred to as what?
    Buccal cavity
  • The maxillary teeth line what?
    Maxillary arch
  • On the roof of the Buccal cavity, what are the paired openings found anteriorly?
    Internal nares
  • What is found posterior to the internal nares that are lined with serrations?
    Vomerine teeth
  • What collectively help in grasping prey in the toad's mouth?
    Vomerine teeth, maxillary teeth
  • The glottis is surrounded by what specific kind of tissue?
  • Label the following in the Buccal cavity of the toad.
    A) Internal nares
    B) Vomerine teeth
    C) Maxillary teeth
    D) Esophagus
    E) Glottis
    F) Tongue
  • Coelom - space containing the visceral organs
  • Pleuro-peritoneal cavity - In toads where part of the coelom is located at the chest and the abdomen
  • Pericardial cavity - contains the heart
  • Peritoneum - surface of the pleuro-peritoneal cavity which is composed of squamous epithelia and supporting connective tissue
  • The peritoneum that lines the inner body ball is the parietal peritoneum, while the visceral peritoneum forms the surface of the organs
  • Mesenteries - continuations of the peritoneum that hold or suspend the organs in place which are double membranes and can attach from the dorsal or ventral body wall
  • Omentum - double-membrane peritoneal derivative which serves to bridge or hold together certain visceral organs
  • Label the following in the toad peritoneal cavity.
    A) Pleuro-peritoneal cavity
    B) Parietal peritoneum
    C) Visceral peritoneum
    D) Mesentery
    E) Omentum
  • Esophagus - tubular organ that extends from the buccal cavity and it serves as the passageway of ingested food to a large, bean-shaped muscular organ, the stomach
  • What marks the boundary of the stomach and the small intestine?
    Pyloric sphincter
  • Mesogaster - dorsal mesentery that suspends the stomach at the cardiac end
  • Small intestine - posterior to the stomach is coiled and tubular and is where most of the chemical digestion and absorption is completed
  • Mesentery proper - Dorsal and highly vascularized mesentery that suspends the small intestine
  • Lesser omentum - Translucent membrane stretching from the liver to the stomach and the duodenum
  • Mesorectum - Dorsal mesentery that suspends the large intestine and spleen
  • Spleen - Near the junction of the small and large intestine, one can see a small dark-colored ovoid organ suspended on a mesentery
  • The spleen is part of what system?
    Lymphatic system
  • Liver - large dark-colored organ composed of many lobes
  • Gall bladder - round sac-like organ suspended between the right and left lobes of the liver