Investigate whether there are braindifferences between violentNGRI compared to a matched group of non-murderers (normal people) using PET scans.
Specifically if murderers had braindysfunction in their prefrontal cortex
41 ppants charged with murder/manslaughter (39 males 2 females) who pleaded NGRI.6 were schizophrenic
Compared to a matchedgroup of 41 ppants on a one-to-one basis in terms of age and sex – 39M, 2F, 6schizophrenic
Murderers were referred for a brain scan
Did a practicetask, then injected with radioactiveglucosetracer, then did a continuousperformance task (visual activity that increases brainactivity in the frontallobe) for 32 minutes
Did a PET scan after to see how active the brain had been
Murderers had less activity in prefrontal cortex and leftamygdala
M's brains had greater activity in righthypothalamus and rightamygdala
No difference in temporal areas
Violent behaviour is controlled by areas of the brain
Areas of abnormalactivity associated with lack of fear, loweredself-control, and increasedaggression
Results indicate might be link between abnormal brain activity and a predisposition towards violence in this specific group
patients pleaded NGRI so had limitedmental capacity. T/f cant give fully informed consent so unethical
:( Lacks mundane realism
Continuousperformance task after being injected with radioactiveglucose tracer, and then pet scan doesnt happen everyday. T/f not naturally occuring, lacks external validity
Use murderers with a variety of pleas to increase pop validity, as Raine only had NGRI