First instrumental chromatographic method developed commercially
Gas chromatography
It is relatively easytoproduce a stableflow and pressure for the mobile phase - carrier gas
All that is really needed is a tank of compressed gas, pressure regulator and a valve
Gas chromatography
1. Components of a vaporized sample are separated as a consequence of being partitioned between a mobile gaseous phase and a liquid or a solid stationary phase held in a column
2. Sample is vaporized and injected onto the head of a chromatographic column
Brought about by the flow of an inert gaseous mobile phase
Does not interact with molecules of the analyte
Types of gas chromatography
Gas solid chromatograpy
Gas liquid chromatography
Gasliquidchromatography (GLC or GC)
Stationary phase: liquid adsorbed or chemically bonded to an inert solid support
Retention is due to partitioning
Gas-solid chromatography
Stationary phase: solid
Retention is due to physical adsorption
Not widely used due to tailing and semipermanent retention of polar/active compounds
Useful for the separation of species notretained by gas-liquid columns such as the components of air, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and the rare gases
Instruments for GC
Carrier gas system
Sample injection system
Detection systems
Carrier gas
The mobile phase which transports the analyte through the column, chemically inert gas e.g. He, N2, Ar, H2
Equipped with pressure regulator which regulates the flow rate
Purpose is to flashevaporate the sample and introduce it into the column
Injection is through a septum
Septum must be stable at the injection temperature and replaced regularly to maintain seal
Provides a known area for the flash vaporization
Typically made of glass although metal liners may be used
It can and should be replaced at regular intervals - all non-volatile materials and degradation products end up here
Used to introduce a known volume of a liquid or gas samples
Adapters can be used to help control the volume injected
When filling, ensure that there is noair in the syringe
Sample must be injected rapidly so that the sample is introduced as a small "plug"
Sample size
Liquids 0.10 – 10 µl is typical
Gases 0.5 – 5 mL is typical
Injection precision with a syringe is +/- 1%
Heart of the separation process
Can be classified by tubingdiameter and packingtype
Column configurations
Types of GC columns
Wallcoatedopentubular (WCOT)
Supportcoatedopentubular (SCOT) or porouslayeropentubular (PLOT)
Fusedsilicaopentubular (FSOT)
Wall-coated open tubular (WCOT) columns
Capillary tubes coated with a thinfilm of stationaryphase
Support-coated open tubular (SCOT) columns
Also called porouslayeropentubular (PLOT)
Innersurface of a capillary is lined with a thinfilm of a support material such as diatomaceousearth
This column holds as much as stationary phase as does the WCOT
Fusedsilica open tubular (FSOT) columns
Capillaries are drawn from speciallypurified silica that contains minimal amount of oxides
Have much thinner walls than their glass counterparts
With protectivepolyimidecoating on the outsidelayer as protection
Packed columns
Tubes are denselypacked with a uniform, finely divided packing material, or solid support, that is coated with a thinlayer of the stationary liquid phase
Typical GC columns
Column configurations and column ovens
The column sits in an oven
The optimum column temperature depends on the boiling point of the sample and the degree of separation required
If the temperature is held constant during the entire analysis, it is isothermal elution
For samples with broad boiling range, temperature programming is often employed
With homologues, the retention time increases exponentially with the number of carbon
As tR increases, width increases and the height decreases, making detection impossible after a few peaks have eluted
Since solubility of a gas in a liquid decreases as temperature goes up
The retention of a material can be reduce by increasing column temperature
Liquid stationary phases
Low volatility (BP should be 100 oC higher than the maximum operating temperature for the column)
Thermal stability
Chemical inertness
Solvent characteristics such that k and α values for the solute to be resolved fall within a suitable range
Types of liquid stationary phases
Polar stationary phases – contain functional groups such as –CN, –CO, and –OH
Nonpolar stationary phases – hydrocarbon type and dialkyl siloxane
Highly polar stationary phase – polyesters
Polydimethyl siloxane
R groups can all be methyl group or a percentage of the methyl group can be replaced by any of the phenyl, trifluoropropyl, or cyanopropyl groups
Polyethylene glycol
Separation of polar species
Bonded and cross-linked stationary phase – to provide a longer lasting stationary phase
Desirable properties of detection systems
Adequate sensitivity (10-8 to 10-15 g solutes/s)
Good stability and reproducibility
A linear response to solute that extends to over several orders of magnitude
Nondestructive of samples
A temperature range from room temperature to at least 400oC
High reliability and ease of use
Similarity in response toward all solutes or alternatively a highly predictable and selective response toward one or more classes of solutes
A short response time that is independent of flow rate
Types of detection systems
Flame ionization detectors (FID)
Thermal conductivity detectors (TCD)
Electron capture detectors (ECD)
Mass spectrometer
Flame ionization detectors (FID)
Effluent from the column is directed into a small air/hydrogen flame
Detection involves monitoring the current produced by the ions and electrons when organic compounds are pyrolyzed due to the air/hydrogen flame
The current produced is measured using a picoampere (10-12 A)
Applicable samples: hydrocarbons
Flameionizationdetectors (FID)
Changes in flow rate of the mobile phase have littleeffect on detector response
Insensitive toward noncombustible gases such as H2O, CO2, SO2, and NOx (enables analysis of samples contaminated with water and the oxides of sulfur and nitrogen)
Highly sensitive (10-13 g/s) with large linear response and low noise, easy to use
Destroys the sample during the combustion step
Thermalconductivitydetectors (TCD)
Consists of an electricallyheatedsource whose temperature at constant electric power depends on the thermal conductivity of the surrounding gas
Detection involves measuring the changeintemperature of the detector due to the decrease in the thermal conductivity of the carrier gas in the presence of organic compounds or other analytes
Thermalconductivitydetectors (TCD)
Applicable samples: organic and inorganicspecies (universaldetector)
Simple, large lineardynamicrange, general response to both organic and inorganic species, nondestructive which permits collection of solutes
Electron capture detector (ECD)
Consists of a radioactiveβ-emitter, usually nickel-63
Detection involves measuring the decrease in current when molecules containing electronegative functional groups such as halogens, peroxides, quinones, and nitrogroups capture electrons
Electroncapturedetector (ECD)
Applicable samples: halogenatedcompounds (found wide used for pesticide residue analysis and PCBs)
Measures the masstochargeratio (m/z) of ions that have been produced from the sample
Ionization can be caused by electron impact (EI) ionization source where molecules are bombarded with a high energy stream of electrons or chemical impact (CI) where molecules are ionized in the presence of gaseousions
Enables the determination of the molecular weight of the samples
Applicable samples: tunable for any species
Similar in construction with the FID
Widely used for organophosphorus pesticides and pharmaceutical compounds