respiration withoutoxygen, complete breaks down glucose making lactic acid
What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
aerobic respiration releases more energy, anaerobic completely breaks down glucose into lactic acid
What is the word equation for anaerobic respiration?
gluocse = lacticacid
Why does anaerobic respiration release less energy than aerobic respiration?
glucose isn't fully oxidised because it doesn't combine with oxygen
When is anaerobic respiration common used?
What do plant and yeast cells produce during anaerobic respiration instead of lactic acid?
ethanol and carbon dioxide
What is anaerobic reparation in yeast cells called?
Why is fermentation of yeast cells important in the food and yeast industry?
ethanol produced from anaerobic respiration is used to make alcoholicdrinks and the carbondioxide produced helps bread and cake to rise
What happens when you exercise?
muscles need more energy so aerobic respiration increases 2. breathing rate and breathing volume increase to get more oxygen into the blood. 3. Heart rate increases to pump oxygenated blood around the body faster and to remove carbon dioxide produced from muscle cells. 4. When not enough oxygen anaerobic respiration happens creating oxygen debt. 5. Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid which the oxygenated blood removes from the muscle cells and carries it to the liver where it is turned back into glucose
Why is anaerobic respiration used during excercise?
When body can't supply oxygen to muscles quickly enough
What does lactic acid do to the muscle cells after long period of exercising?
makes muscles become fatigued and the muscle cells stop contracting efficiently
What Is the oxygen debt?
the extra amount of oxygen the body needs after exercise to deal with the lactic acid
Why do people breath rapidly after exercise?
to provide extraoxygen needed to remove lactic acid from muscle cells
What are the uses of respiration?
keeping warm in winter months, movement e.g. musclecontraction, building largermolecules from smaller ones
What is aerobic respiration?
process of transferringenergy from glucose which goes in every cell
What is metabolism?
sum of all the chemicalreactions that happen in the body?
What do chains of glucose make?
starch(storage molecule in plant cell), glycogen(storage molecule in animal cell), cellulose(makes plant cellwalls)
What is the formation of lipid molecules?
one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fattyacids
What is glucose combined with?
glucose combined with nitrateions to make aminoacids which make proteins