
Cards (12)

  • bomb calorimeter - constant pressure
    A) Compustion enthalpy
    B) compostion internal energy
    C) change in pressure and volume
  • Cell potential
    A) Er
    B) -
    C) El
  • Nernst equation
    A) E
    B) -
    C) RT
    D) zF
    E) lnQ
  • Cell at Equilibrium
    A) RT
    B) zF
    C) lnk
  • change in boiling point
    A) change in boiling point
    B) i
    C) Kb
    D) bA
  • Change of enthalpy
    A) Ht2
    B) Ht1
    C) +
    D) Cp
    E) T2
    F) -
    G) T1
  • Condensed phase rule
    P= number of phases
    A) C
    B) -
    C) P
    D) +
    E) 1
  • conductance
    A) 1
    B) resistance
  • deviation of ideal
    A) partial pressure of A
    B) Partial pressure (ideal) A
  • Non-calorimetric way of measure enthalpy
    A) change in enthalpy
    B) -
    C) zF
    D) E
    E) -
    F) T
    G) temperarure dependence
  • temperature dependance
    A) Change in entropy
    B) zF
  • enthalpy and internal energy
    A) change in enthalpy
    B) change in internal energy
    C) +
    D) PV