Circulatory system

Cards (13)

  • Circulatory system
    • Transports food and oxygen around the body
    • Transports waste substances out of cells
  • Components of blood
    • Red blood cells
    • White blood cells
    • Platelets
    • Plasma
  • Red blood cells- Produced in the bone marrow.
    • Specialised to carry oxygen
    • No nucleus to increase space for oxygen
    • Biconcave disc shape to increase surface area
    • Contain haemoglobin
  • White blood cells- Does has a nucleus & produced in bone marrow.

    • Fight infection and are part of the immune system
    • Can change shape to engulf pathogens by phagocytosis
    • Some produce antibodies and antitoxins
  • Platelets- broken off from large cells in the bone marrow.

    • Cell fragments important for blood clotting
    • Activate at injury sites to form clots
  • Plasma
    The liquid in blood that carries all the substances
  • Blood Clotting
    A process that reduces bleeding when we are injured.
  • Haemoglobin
    A protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs and releases it in body tissues.
  • oxygen
    used for survival - to help organisms grow, reproduce and turn food into energy.
  • Blood is made up of 45% of cells and 55% of plasma.
  • Blood is a tissue and it's carried around the body in blood vessels.
  • Blood's functions includes:

    Transporting substances
    Defence against pathogens
    Control of body temperature
    Maintaining pH of fluids.
  • Plasma transports:
    red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, nutrients, hormones, proteins, carbon dioxide, urea, glucose, amino acids, anti-bodies, anti-toxins