General management of nephrotic syndrome
1. Lower intraglomerular pressure by administering an ACEI or ARB to decrease proteinuria
2. Dietary sodium restriction (to 2 g or 80 mmol of sodium per day) to reduce edema (but no protein restriction)
3. Loop diuretics (furosemide) are also used to reduce edema. IV route may be used if oral is not effective.
4. Statins for the lipid abnormalities induced by the nephrotic syndrome
5. Avoid prolonged rest +/- prophylactic anticoagulation to prevent VTE. If thrombosis occurs, it is typically treated with heparin followed by warfarin for as long as the patient remains nephrotic.
6. Prompt treatment of infections and vaccinations (pneumococcal, influenza, and varicella)
7. Treat underlying cause (infections, malignancy, systemic disease, drugs)
8. Some primary causes respond to specific therapies