Cards (11)

  • Poet
    Fred D’aguiar
  • redcoats tin-soldiering it
    compound verb, childlike response, reduces soldiers to toys, insult for British soldiers
  • picked off one by one
    By poison-tipped blow-darts
    Repetition adds rhythm and shows weakness, imagery, confusing own heritage with the war
  • He’d cut short to shout
    sibilance, harsh ‘t’ consonant, reflects the way generals spoke to papa-t
  • his consonants stretched past recall,
    Into a whale’s crying place
    metaphor, ocean semantic field
  • sweet seasalter
    sibilance, endearing term for papa-t
  • It has me itching to bring him reeling-off in that tongue-
    metaphor, endearing
  • Structure
    Free verse, intertextual of Tennyson’s TCOTLB, title is for his grandfather or Tennyson
  • their drums‘ panicky rattle, their bugler’s yelp,
    Musket–clap and popping cannons
    listing, sensory language, onomatopoeia, contrast to Tennyson’s “thundering”
  • I goin ge yu a good lickin 

    colloquial language, patois, reflection of British empire’s treatment of guyanese, contrast to Tennyson’s traditional English/poetry, alliteration
  • Noble six hundred: to hear, to disobey.
    last line, caesura creates contrast of Tennyson and D’aguiar’s beliefs, shows poet won’t accept British narrative of the battle