Macbeth as the ‘hero’ and ‘villain’; as the play opens he is a brave, loyal nobleman defending Duncan’s realm. Later, he perpetrates crimes to advance and then maintain his position as KingofScotland.
… Lady Macbeth as the ‘temptress’ and also the ‘mentor’ for it is her wily manipulation of Macbeth which prompts him to commit regicide and at the banquet when Banquo’s ghost appears, she protects him by lying to their guests that he suffers from a “strange affliction.”
Lady Macbeth
Subverts the dominant ideologies associated with femininity in Elizabethan England
Defies the submissive female stereotype of the time by manipulating and dominating her husband
Lady Macbeth is then presented as a tragic, pathetic figure who is unable to cope and her descent into madness reduces her once again to feminine helplessness
the Macbeths’ actions are motivated and driven by the id part of their psyche…
…the ego is behind Lady Macbeth’s logical murder plans…
… it is the superego that eventually drives her to experience guilt and despair as her conscience can no longer cope with what they have done
Shakespeare creates a tragichero who suffers a reversal of fortune that, ultimately, leads to his untimely death.
…. peripeteia is evident when Macbeth says "I am in blood / Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more’’(3.4). He immediately regrets the murder and realises his ‘success’ is tainted.…
…anagnorisis occurs when it is revealed that Macduff was not of ‘womanborn’…
Because he contemplates that there may not, in fact, be a God and therefore the regicide of Duncan might only entail an earthly punishment if he is discovered to be Duncan's murderer
Macbeth: '"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walkingshadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more; it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."'