
Cards (7)

  • “ I kiss thy hand “

    biblical allusion to Brutus as Judas
  • “Et tu Brute?”
    intimate address - close relationship akin to uncle and nephew
  • “sick girl” “coward lips” “feeble”
    semantic field of Caesar as incompetent- his leadership is a threat to Rome
  • “think him as a serpents egg and kill him in the shell”
    serpentine lexis links Caesar to sin and evil - threat to Rome
  • “I am as constant as the northern star”
    simile reaffirms his ethos and leadership
  • “Beware the ides of March”
    prophetic warning releated 3 times - Caesars ignorance towards the supernatural results in his death
  • “I fear him not.”
    dramatic irony - audience aware of Cassius’ megalomaniac plot