unwritten rules and norms in a given society or community.
DSN strength
Supports general ideas of abnormality - face validity
DSN Limitation
Culturalrelativity - Social norms by their very definition vary tremendously from one community to another.
Failure to Function Adequately (FFA)
Behaviour suggests that they cannot cope with the demands of everyday life.
FFA Strength
Real life application- does seem to apply to the diagnosis of many disorders
FFA Weakness
Subjective judgement - in order to determine ‘failure to function adequately’ someone needs to decidewhatis
Statistical infrequency
behaviour which is rare(uncommon).
Statistical Infrequency Strength
Statistical infrequency definition is objective and sometimes appropriate - objective way of deciding who is
Statistical infrequency Limitation
Behaviours that are statistically infrequent in one culture may be statistically more
frequent in another, statistical
infrequency merely reflects the statisticallikelihood of seeking professional help
Deviation from ideal mental health
Positive attitudes towards the self, Self-actualisation and personalgrowth, Being resistant to stress,Personal autonomy, Accurate perception of reality, and Environmental mastery
DIMH Strength
focusing on the positives rather than
the negatives and focuses on what is desirable rather than what is undesirable
DIMH Limitation
the characteristics listed by
Jahoda above are rooted in Western societies and a Western view of personal growth and