Brudvik et al

Cards (11)

  • Aims
    Explore the relationship between children's self reported pain and ratings of their pain intensity made by parent and doctors
    How age, medical condition and severity of pain affect pain intensity estimates
    Whether pain assessments affects administration of pain relief
  • Methodology
    Field study conducted in Emergency Department in Norway
    Correlation used to analyse
  • Sample
    243 paediatric patients
    Opportunity sampling
    51 doctors recruited as they entered the hospital department
  • Procedure
    1. Doctors and parents completed a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) where they rated child's pain 0-10. Parents answered demographic questions
    2. Doctors asked about own medical experience, specialisms and whether they were a parent themselves. Also asked whether they gave any pain relief during consultation and whether child's pain level matched diagnosis
    3. The patients that were 3-8 completed Faces Pain Scale-Revised and Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale.
    4. The patients that were 9-15 completed Visual Analogue Scale with a coloured 100mm line. Green = no pain, Red = worst pain thinkable.
    5. Childs diagnosis was classified as infection, fracture, wound injury or soft tissue, ligament/muscle injury.
    6. Waiting time (from arrival to consultation) was recorded
  • Results
    1. Pain ratings were highest for children reporting their own pain, then parents, then doctors
    2. Low level of aggreement between doctors and children
    3. Low level of aggreement between parents and doctors
    4. Pain intenisty was highest for fractures and disagreement between children and doctors was highest for this injury
    5. 42% of children in intense pain were given pain relief (as judged by doctors)
    6. Doctors underestimate pain of younger children more
  • Conclusions
    Doctors should place a higher value on parental reports of their childrens pain.
  • Strength
    Natural setting, high ecological validity
  • Weakness
    Not generalisable, only looked at Norway
  • Ethics
    Written consent
    Psychological harm
    Right to withdraw
  • Application to Everyday Life
    Highlights importance of listening to children and parents
  • Idiographic vs Nomothetic
    Idiographoc; collecting qualitative data which would allow researchers to learn about why some children expereince a higher pain than others