improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony

Cards (11)

  • Cognitive interview - Fisher and Geiselman (1985)

    A range of techniques that Fisher and Geiselman suggested police interviewers can use in order to improve the accuracy of EWT.
  • 4 techniques used in cognitive interview
    1. Context reinstatement
    2. Report everything
    3. Recall from a changed perspective
    4. Recall in reverse order
  • Report everything
    Encouraged to include every single detail, no matter how irrelevant it may seem, triggering memories.
  • Context reinstatement
    Mentally returning to original crime scene in their minds including physical environment and emotional state, based upon context-dependent forgetting.
  • Reverse the order
    Recall is switched to different time lines. For example, from the end to the beginning or middle to the start.
    This is done to prevent witnesses reporting their expectations of the event.
  • Change perspective
    Witnesses should recall the incident from other people's perspective.
    This is done to disrupt the effect of expectations and also the effect of schema on recall.
  • Enhanced cognitive interview
    Fisher et al developed some additional elements of the cognitive interview which focus on the social dynamic of the interview. These include:
    1. When to establish eye contact
    2. How to reduce anxiety felt by eyewitness
    3. Minimising distractions
    4. Getting the witness to speak slowly
  • + Supporting evidence for the cognitive interview

    E - Kohnken et al: In a meta-analysis of over 42 studies and over 2500 interviews, the cognitive interview gave an average of 41% increase in accurate information compared to standard police techniques.
    E - Suggests the cognitive interview is the most effective technique.
    L - However, the same meta-analysis also found an increase in inaccurate information.
  • - Not all techniques may be effective
    E - Milne and Bull: Report everything and mental reinstatement of context produced better recall than any of the other elements or combinations of them.
    E - Suggests the other two elements are not as effective in enhancing recall.
    L - However, this still means that the CI is effective in recall, just some aspects are more important than others.
  • - May not be practical
    E - Officers have to be trained in CI and have to be available when conducting a time sensitive case.
    E - Might divert officers from their normal work and is time-consuming.
    L - Therefore, the CI may not be used due to the limited financial resources that are available to police forces.
  • + Could be cost effective
    E - When considering the overall effect on the justice system and the economy, the CI might actually benefit them financially.
    E - It may be worth the additional resources invested into training as it provides a more effective police force.
    L - Therefore, the CI ultimately can reduce crime and its costs to wider society, improving the economy.