The successes of Alexander by Arrian
- Alexander was successful because about 8,000 Tyrians were killed and enslaved everyone else.
- This shows Alexander being good at oppressing resistance to his regime.
- However those numbers could have been exaggerated by Arrian because he would have wanted the victory to seem like a landslide due to the face that he admired Alexander
2. How victorious he was in all his battles with minimal deaths in his army, and larger death tolls in the persian army
- e.g at Granicus 1,000 Persians died and the Macedonian death total was 115 Macedonians.
- We might question the reliability of these numbers considering the Macedonians at first were at a disadvantage due to the Macedonians were greatly outnumbered and they were defending themselves from the river on ground that was not firm and from a lower position, as the Persians held the high bank.