types of attachment

Cards (10)

  • Ainsworth's attachment types

    • Insecure avoidant type A
    • Secure type B
    • Insecure resistant type C
  • Ainsworth's findings provided evidence for three distinct attachment types that seem to correlate with a level of sensitive responsiveness shown by the mother
  • The strange situation is a highly controlled observational research study with standardized procedures and clear behavioral categories
  • Ainsworth's 1988 meta-analysis found secure attachment was the most common type in all countries, insecure resistant was the least common, and avoidant was more common in individualistic Western cultures and resistant in collectivist cultures
  • Good predictive quality

    Secure attachment=
    Ward et al - better mental health in adulthood
    McCormick et al - better achievement and less involvement inn bullying
  • Kagan - tempremant

    SS measures anxiety levels which could account for the variations
  • Bick et al - reliability of SS

    94% agreement during inter-rater reliability test
    potentially due to a controlled environment or that behaviors are easy to judge (eg, large movements for proximity seeking)
  • Soloman - disinhibited attachment

    proposed fourth type of attachment - a mix of resistant and avoidant
    however, is unusual and generally experiences severe neglect/abuse
  • Takahashi - Japan study (culturally bound)

    Japanese infants display high levels of anxiety so attachment is classified as insecure
    • But anxiety is caused from unusual experiences of separation from mothers not an indicator of attachment strength
  • Slade et al (2005) - Maternal reflective functioning
    low correlation between maternal sensitivity and the strength of attahcment
    found that maternal reflective functioning (the ability to understand what someone else is thinking and feeling) was more important.