Teacher of wisdom

Cards (9)

  • What are Jesus’ main messages?
  • What is a rabbi?
    A term of respect for educated teachers
  • What is a parable?
    A story with a moral message told by Jesus
  • What is a quote from Jesus about looking after the poor?
    “Whatever you have done to the least of my brothers you have also done to me.”
  • What does Jesus say about moral purity?
    “Those that are pure at heart will see God.” - Matthew 8:9
  • Who says Jesus is not unique?
  • How does Hick interpret salvation?

    A personal change
  • How does C. S. Lewis interpret Jesus’ moral guidance?

    It cannot be separated from his divine nature. “Let us not come up with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher.”
  • What does Bonhoeffer say about the incarnation?

    Without it, a connection is lost with the idea of encountering God in human lives