Life Cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi
1. Starts when a triatomine reduviid bug bites a human host while defecating with metacyclic trypomastigote (infective stage to humans) in the feces and enters through the bite wound or mucosal membrane
2. Metacyclic trypomastigote enters the circulation but does not multiply, can be ingested by macrophages or infect cells like myocardium
3. Intracellularly, it transforms to become an amastigote and will undergo replication by binary fission
4. The amastigote would then transform to become a blood trypomastigote and will be released extracellularly to the blood circulation
5. The blood trypomastigotes can infect another cell and transform to become amastigote intracellularly and will multiply and repeat the cycle, or be ingested by an insect vector
6. Once ingested by the triatomine bug, it will pass through the posterior portion of the midgut and will transform to become epimastigote
7. The epimastigote will multiple in the midgut through longitudinal binary fission
8. It will then transform to become a metacyclic trypomastigote once it is in the hindgut, and will be released through fecal material to gain entry to the human host
9. The cycle will continue