Jesus the liberator

Cards (6)

  • How does Jesus challenge political authority?
    Turning of the tables in the temple
  • What does Reza Aslan suggest?

    Jesus was involved in a lot more confrontational resistance than presented in the New Testament
  • What evidence suggests Jesus was a political revolutionary?

    Jesus’ followers had weapons to defend themselves in Gethsemane against arresting authorities
  • What does Aslan suggest the message was behind Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem?

    The event was set up to send a message that the long-awaited Messiah had arrived to free Israel from bondage
  • What are some examples of Jesus rejecting violent revolution?
    • “Blessed are the peacemakers.” - Mark 12:17
    • He stops his disciples for defending him with violence (John 18:10)
  • What did Jesus being a social revolutionary lead to the creation of?
    Liberation theology