To explore phenomena through first-hand experience and present a structured attempt at understanding how people derive meaning from their surroundings and how their meanings shape their behaviors
Study design is iterative: concepts and data collection methods can be adjusted as the research progresses
A fundamental assumption is that a profound understanding of the world can be gained through conversation and observation in natural settings rather than through experimental manipulation under artificial conditions
Exploratory motives: no prior knowledge about a phenomenon, a need for an initial exploration of recurrent patterns and concepts in a research area
Collected in the form of words by conducting observation, field notes, video and tape recording, focus group discussions, semi-structured and in-depth interviews
The researcher tries to identify categories that describe what happened, and organize them into major themes that provide broader explanations to the phenomenon under study
Includes the recommended actions that should be done after the conduct of the study, such as further assessment of the subject, focus on other factors, etc.