Conservative management of chronic renal failure
1. Nutrition (ensure adequate calorie intake, avoid excessive K+ in hyperkalemic patients, avoid excessive fluids in edematous patients to prevent fluid overload)
2. Hypertension (treat with appropriate antihypertensive, restrict salt to < 40 gm / day)
3. Renal osteodystrophy (due to failure to activate Vitamin D in addition to inability to reabsorb calcium and excrete phosphate by the kidney, diagnosis: bone density test, treatment: calcium supplementation, 1-α-vitamin D supplementation, non-calcium phosphate binders, calcimimetics, parathyroidectomy if not controlled)
4. Anemia (due to failure of the kidney to produce erythropoietin, treatment is by erythropoietin therapy and iron, vitamin B12, folate replacement, target Hb is 11-12 g/dl)