mary is joined with jesus because like jesus her body went to heaven not just her soul. also mary was created without original sin and only a sinless person could birthjesus
mary was the first person to believe in jesus mission. she was a role model and sacrificed before jesus was born
mary prompted jesus first miracle: urning water into wine
mary sowa: "hail mary full of grace"
vatican council II explored ways the church could become more modern
vatican council II lasted from 1962-65
sacrosanctum concillium: priest now faced congregation and mass was said in vernacular rather than latin
lumen gentium: ecumenicism was viewed as important, non catholics could receive salvation, all members viewed as important
dei verbum: bible is the inspired word of god placing the magisterium at equal importance to the bible
gaudium et spes: social justice issues, rich countries should share wealth, weapons should not be used for destruction
marks of the church: one holy catholic apostolic
marks of church sowa: "i believe in oneholycatholicapostolic church"
one: christians are united by one sharedfaith under one god
holy: sacraments provide grace, we are set apart for a special purpose by god, church is established by christ as he is the incarnation
catholic: all made in imago dei so we have a chance for salavation, universal,
apostolic: reminder church traces back to people appointed by jesus
apostolic tradition: teachings and practices
apostolic succession: authority to spread and interpret teachings
old testemant is made of the history of the jews
new testement is life of jesus
the bible has 40 authors
7 additional books were added at the council of trent1545
catholics believe the bible is the inspired word of god so it contains error. they believe it was delivered by the holy spirit (who is consubstantial with the father and son) and then recorded by humans
evangelical protestants have a literalist view, they believe the bible is the literal word of god meaning it is inerrant and accurate. they believe the teachings are correct and science is wrong
quakers have a liberal view. they believe it was written by humans trying to figure out who god is and therefore it is errant
the ordinary magisterium is the church's authority to deal with common everyday issues
extraordinary magisterium: pontifical and conciliar
conciliar magisterium involves pope and the bishop. an example is the council of nicaea where the trinity was deemed as consubstantial
the pontifical magesterium involves the pope who makes descions excathedra. his authority is infallible as it comes from the holy spirit. for example mary was decalred immaculate in 1854
the magisterium is imporant as it gives advice on modern issues not in the bible
the magisterium gets its authority from apostolicsuccession, it was entrusted by the holy spirit